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[Téléchargement Gratuit] Cotinus Coggygria Royal Purple Entretien

It is a multiple branching shrub growing to 5 7 m 16 23 ft tall with an open. Cotinus coggygria commonly known as smoketree is an upright loose spreading multi stemmed deciduous shrub that is native from southern europe to central china it typically matures over time to 10 15 tall and as wide.

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groupe Cotinus coggygria royal purple entretien complet gratuit

Rhus cotinus the european smoketree eurasian smoketree smoke tree smoke bush venetian sumach or dyer s sumach is a species of flowering plant in the family anacardiaceae native to a large area from southern europe east across central asia and the himalayas to northern china. Appearing in late spring large feathery pink flower plumes cover the plant with fluffy hazy smoky puffs throughout summer. Smoke bush cotinus coggygria is a deciduous shrub that s also commonly known as royal purple smoke bush smokebush smoke tree and purple smoke tree.

Sud de l europe pourtour méditerranée centre de la chine. Cotinus is a popular easy to grow shrub with absolutely glorious beetroot coloured rounded leaves produced in whorls around the stem. Award winner cotinus coggygria royal purple smokebush is a bushy large deciduous shrub noted for its attractive foliage of rounded leaves.

Subscribe subscribed unsubscribe 1 22k. Unsubscribe from bonsai garden. The midsummer feathery blooms are a sight to behold and will impress the neighbours.

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