Red Branch Dogwood Bush
The stems which are green in spring and summer turn bright red when the foliage drops off in autumn. The red twig dogwood cornus stolinifera is very handsome and eye appealing as winter interest in the landscape especially with a sprinkling.
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In fall the foliage of the red twig dogwood is red. Red twig dogwood will brighten your winter landscaping with its bright red branches. Most interesting however are its blood red branches which are so colorful contrasted against the snow.A typical understory plant in forests and woodlands cornus sericea thrills with flaming red or yellow twigs. Both fruits and flowers look good. Though it boasts four season interest with fragrant flowers tiny berries and showy foliage the red twig dogwood saves its best for winter when its stems are on fire.
Monrovia s red twig dogwood details and information. The shrubs actually can provide year round interest despite bearing spring blossoms variegated leaves during summer and berries from summer to fall clearly this plant s common name explains the main reason that people grow it. The shrub produces creamy white flowers in spring and berries that ripen from green to white by the end of summer.
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